在未發明非接觸式連續噴碼機以前,往往采用絲網印刷機、移印機甚至更原始的機械式滾輪凸模來完成印刷。這樣做的結果是文字清晰度 差,費時費力,生產效率低,而且產品的品質因印刷質量
經過科學家和許多科技工作者的努力,小字符噴碼機,油墨噴碼機噴碼機先后被研制出來。目前,這些非接觸式連續噴碼打印機已經成為改變落 后現狀的推薦。小字噴碼機主要用于將較小文字、
Packaging and printing enterprises such as food, beverage, tobacco, wine, cable, medicine and cosmetics need to print numbers, patterns or words on products or outer packages frequently or at high
speed. It has been proved by practice that the application of small print inkjet printer and ink inkjet printer can greatly improve the production efficiency and the clarity of printed words, so as to improve
the quality of products and enable enterprises to win a broader product market and better economic benefits.
Before the invention of non-contact continuous inkjet printer, screen printing machine, pad printing machine and even more primitive mechanical roller punch were often used to complete printing.
The result of this is poor clarity, time-consuming and labor-intensive, low production efficiency, and product quality due to the printing quality is not high, more and more customers and consumers
are lost, making the production enterprises suffer losses. Therefore, advanced equipment is urgently needed to replace them.
Through the efforts of scientists and many scientists, small character inkjet printer and ink inkjet printer have been developed. At present, these contactless continuous inkjet printers have become
the first choice to change the backward situation. The small print printer is mainly used for printing small characters, numbers and graphics. Compared with the previous printing equipment and
technology, these contactless continuous inkjet printers have at least the following eight common advantages:
(1) Clear and durable handwriting: controlled by computer, accurately print out the required numbers and characters. Patterns, etc.
(2) High degree of automation: automatically change the date, batch, number and anti-counterfeiting code, and realize the unmanned operation in the spray printing process.
(3) Widely used: can match with any production line. It can spray print trademark, delivery date, description and batch number on the surface of plastic, glass, paper, wood, rubber, metal and other
materials and different shapes.
(4) Fast and convenient programming: input the required number, text, pattern, line number and other information through the computer or editing machine, modify the printing information, and only
press the number key to complete.